TMFuel Coach

Specialized Food Coaching

Fuel & Nutrition Coaching

Our Strategies lay out every detail of every day, including specific direction on exactly what you do for maximum results and detailed workout logs

Lifestyle Coaching

We will educate, support and guide you every step of the way, applying just the right amount of pressure to make sure you follow through and enjoy the process!

Custom Plans & Strategies

Our guides contain the exact nutrition strategy you should follow for maximum results.  You’ll know how to plan every meal to boost your metabolism, enhance your energy levels and burn fat each and every day. 

Learn How To Eat Healthy Without Changing Your Busy Lifestyle

It’s no secret that most people who start a diet fail to achieve their goals. But did you realize that the failure rate was 98%? Over the next few minutes I’m going to share how you can break out of this ‘fat loss trap’ once and for all…and do it in just days. Yes, if you use the right strategy, you can actually get the type of fat melting results that would take most people months to achieve in just days.

Keep reading and you’ll discover this proven 28 day protocol you can use to get the body you’ve always wanted today.

Most Fat Loss Programs Actually Make It Impossible For You To Achieve Your Goals

It’s amazing but true.  Almost every fat loss ‘solution’ on the market sets you up for failure. That’s why, in spite of new gyms popping up on every corner, supposedly ‘healthy’ foods taking over the supermarkets and new miracle fat loss programs and pills being released almost daily. we keep getting fatter.

Having Trouble Finding a Nutritous Balance?

You’re Not Alone. And I’m Here to Help!

Have you ever just wanted an instruction manual built just for you? Telling you what YOU need to do to get the results that you want? Here you go! Our success manual will cover EVERYTHING from: blood sugars, hormones, macros, water, supplements, etc… other words we cover everything that could hinder or help your results. We made sure to leave no stone unturned. This is great for those that just want to know how this ‘transformation’ thing really works and want to continue to know even more.

How I can Help

It doesn’t matter if you’ve started programs and stopped.  If you’ve joined challenges or started diets, only to fall off track.  That’s the beauty of the TM approach…we don’t ask you to overhaul your life or make some never-ending commitment. You simply have to make a decision to finally get the body that you’ve always wanted, follow our instructions, and put in a little effort. 

Food Coaching

Fuel to match your lifestyle, not just to survive. 

Spots Nutrition

Nutrition to help you meet and exceed all challenges

Vitamins & Suppliments

Learn how to heal, rejuevenate, and repair the body. 

Weight Loss VS Fat Mass Loss

Learn the difference between fat mass loss and weight loss, to ensure you achieve the body you desire. 

Eat To Fuel The Body, Not To Feed Your Emotions

Real Focus.
Real Results.

“I cannot stress enough the attention to detail Tim has when developing strategies and plans. He literally saved my life and is helping me teach my children how ot fuel the body instead of eat, so I do not pass down the poor habits I have developed over the years.”

Brenda Ballast

“I never thought that I would be able to come off all of the medications I was taking. Timothy showed me how, and that real medication comes from what we consume. Thanks bro.”

John Damon

Finding a Balance Can Be Hard, but Eating Healthy Doesn’t Have To Be

Here’s exactly how it works… Each day you’ll have specific guidance on what to do……No guesswork.  No uncertainty.  It’s our team coaching you through each step. Every day you’ll be able to mark off on your calendar, moving you ever closer to the Deadline and the body that you want.

As you make progress, you’ll be able to maximize your fat burning success and the metabolic effect of the program.  We also include accountability markers that will ensure that your fat burning furnace is working 24/7.

How It Works

Here’s what happens when you sign up for coaching.

First, I will send you a list of what I need to get started. Here’s what it includes:

  • Fuel Assesment Packet
  • Goal Setting: A list of your current fat mass loss, or weight loss goals, along with your current challenges.
  • Photos (see Fuel Assessment Packet for what to wear in your photos):
    • Front view
    • Both side views
    • Back view
  • A breakdown of your current fuel program (if any) and how long you have been following it.
  • A detailed 3-day fuel/ nutrition history.
  • A brief history of any food or eating issues (if applicable).
  • List any medical conditions and medications which may affect training protocol.

Once you have completed and returned this info, I will get started immediately. I’ll then put together a custom meal plan for you, and within a couple days you’ll get an email from me with everything you need to get started. I’ll provide a bit of advice — just in terms of how to apply the Fuel/ Nutrition Strategy — and then you’ll begin. If you have a history of food or eating issues (e.g., “I know what to do, but I just can’t stop snacking…” or “I feel like [insert diet] worked, but I always ended up just binging…”), we will also talk about this early on and begin a preliminary strategy.

P.S. – Warning: If you don’t take control now and do this for you, then you risk getting further and further from the version of yourself that you want to be.  You deserve to look and feel incredible, but you’ll NEVER see a change in how you look if you keep procrastinating day after day, so take action now while you’re still here.

Fill out the form below to schedule a free consultation today!

Don’t Wait Any Longer. Start Your Journey Today!