
Warning: If you don’t take control now and do this for you, then you risk getting further and further from the version of yourself that you want to be.  You deserve to look and feel incredible, but you’ll NEVER see a change in how you look if you keep procrastinating day after day, so take action now while you’re still here.

About Online Coaching

There are 3 critical factors that, when missing, almost assure you of failure when it comes to actually seeing real, fat burning results with any weight loss program.

Very few people know this – that’s why almost everybody struggles when it comes to achieving any sort of meaningful body transformation.

But there is a proven way you can put these 3 critical factors to work for you and super-charge your progress…and you can do it without resorting to any crash diets, or miracles pills.

Yes, if you use the right strategy, you can actually get the type of fat melting results that would take most people months to achieve

The 3 Critical Factors

#1 – There Must Be A Deadline. It’s simple psychology.  If you don’t have a deadline there is no urgency to take action.  It’s been that way since when you were a child in school.  Homework got completed because there was a due date.  

Fat loss programs succeed based on that same psychology.  If you don’t have a deadline…a target to shoot for, there is no urgency.  Your effort gets watered down.  You don’t stick to the program.  That’s why just having a membership to a health club or joining classes will never work.  You have zero urgency and no real, specific target in mind.

#2 – It Must Be Simple To Follow. Almost every fitness program falls into one of two categories…it either is almost impossible to follow or there’s really no specific program to follow.

Let me explain.

Most of those fitness programs that promise incredible results probably would work…if you could actually stick to them.  All it would take is hiring a full time nanny to watch your kids, quit your job, hire a chef and max out your credit cards buying supplements.  No problem, right?  This happens for a couple of reasons really…either the ‘expert’ creating the program really has no idea about who you are and what your life is really like…or…they just don’t care and they’re creating their masterpiece program that would work if the stars aligned.

On the other side of the spectrum are the ‘just show up’ programs.  Gyms, aerobic classes, running or long slow cardio and fitness bootcamps.  With these, there really is no plan, so there is nothing to follow.  They’re mistaking getting someone tired for getting them to their goals.

#3 – There Must Be A Challenge For A Change To Happen. For you to see any significant changes you’re going to have to step out of your comfort zone…but many fitness programs are afraid to ask you to do that.  Why?  Money.  They know that no one wants to be uncomfortable forever and since they’ve ignored the need for having those short-term deadlines, they just avoid asking you to get uncomfortable at all.  

They make fat loss sound like magic…’take this pill,’ ‘drink these shakes’…your unwanted pounds will disappear and it will be easy. They prey on our emotional desires for the ‘quick-fix’ or ‘magic bullet’…but as you well know, those just don’t work.

And for you, a busy person, all this gets magnified.  You’re being pulled in 20 different directions and you don’t have time to sort through everything and figure out what actually works and what’s just hype.  You need that step-by-step plan to follow because you can’t spend 45 extra minutes here or there figuring things out.  That’s why it’s so easy to fall for the false promises and too-good-to-be-true offers.  

But there is a solution…

TM Coaching

Your Answer For Getting the Body You Want In The Time You Have

In spite of the failings of most programs, all hope is not lost. There is an approach that will work for you and can actually be your fat loss solution.

TM Coaching uses a training protocol designed around the 3 Critical Factors For Fat Loss Success for maximum effectiveness. It’s not easy…but it’s very simple and incredibly effective.

And best of all, this approach is specifically designed for busy people and their unique lifestyle and time limitations.

This proprietary Day-By-Day Challenge protocol was strategically set up to overcome all the obstacles that STOP you from achieving fat loss success.

No Pain, No Gain

Real Work.
  Real Results.

what They’re Saying

Client Testimonials

I want to keep this as simple as possible. I have been in the industry, having several coaches, and I have to say that I have learned more about myself in the past year, than I have in the last 5 years. Caoch Tim will challenge you everyday to look in the mirror at ourself and make the decision to change. 

Maegan P.

Absolutely love being pushed and challenged everyday. 

Puala C.

Coach T is super creative. And what I love most is, you know that he cares about you. 

David T.

Get Fit Fast – Stay Fit Forever

With the professional coaching and a daily, follow-along exercise and nutrition plan included all you have to do is plug in the key and “turn it”. EVERYTHING is laid out for you step-by-step.

The choice is yours.

Get your hands on a proven, day-by-day system with personal, professional coaching that gets you FAST results while fitting into your busy lifestyle.

Even If You’ve Failed In The Past, The Body You Want Is Only Days Away

Fitness Coaching

Challenge Yourself To Change

How It Works

Work 1-on-1 with me to achieve your goals.

Here’s what happens when you sign up for coaching.

First, I will send you a list of what I need to get started. Here’s what it includes:

  • Training Packet
  • Goal Setting: A list of your current physique transformation goals and your current challenges.
  • Photos (see Training Packet for what to wear in your photos):
    • Front view
    • Both side views
    • Back view
  • A breakdown of your current training program (if any) and how long you have been following it.
  • A detailed 3-day fuel/ nutrition history.
  • A brief history of any food or eating issues (if applicable).
  • List any injuries or medical conditions and medications which may affect training protocol.

Once you have completed and returned this info, I will get started immediately. I’ll then put together a custom meal plan and a training workout program for you, and within a couple days you’ll get an email from me with everything you need to get started. I’ll provide a bit of advice — just in terms of how to apply the Fuel/ Nutrition Strategy and Training Program — and then you’ll begin. If you have a history of food or eating issues (e.g., “I know what to do, but I just can’t stop snacking…” or “I feel like [insert diet] worked, but I always ended up just binging…”), we will also talk about this early on and begin a preliminary strategy.

P.S. – Warning: If you don’t take control now and do this for you, then you risk getting further and further from the version of yourself that you want to be.  You deserve to look and feel incredible, but you’ll NEVER see a change in how you look if you keep procrastinating day after day, so take action now while you’re still here.

Fill out the form below to schedule your free consultation. 

Don’t Wait Any Longer. Start Your Journey Today!