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It’s no secret that most people who join a gym, start a diet or begin an exercise program fail to achieve their goals. But did you realize that the failure rate was 98%? One of the reasons why is they are not accustomed to the practices and habits necessary to achieve what they are after. As your coach I WILL provide you with the right information, guidance and structure so that you will be aware of and practice the right habits to ensure your reach what you desire. 


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Hours Of Operations

Sunday 8AM – 12PM

M-Th 8AM – 2PM

Friday – Saturday Off



Who are you?

One of the Best Online Personal Trainers and Nutrition Coaches!

An online personal trainer can help you reach your health and fitness goals with all the convenience of training in your own home, gym, or other personal space. We specialize in improving fitness as well as body composition and use physical training, nutritional changes, and improvements in thinking to help you reach your goals. We teach you how to eat right and exercise correctly, and help you understand the various aspects of fitness, from nutrition to mobility. We believe in training the mind and the body and can deliver all of this to you through online workout and nutrition programs. 

Who do we work with?

We provide personal training services to all kinds of people, including the average client seeking improvement in health and fitness as well as amateur athletes focused on improving physical performance.

We also work with fitness models, persons going through rehab, and other individuals from time to time.

The Average Joe

Our client base primarily consists of people 30-60 years of age, with 75 percent 40+ years old, and 50 percent 50+ years old. Most seek weight loss, improvements in health, and a general improvement in fitness. Many of these people have outstanding health conditions, ranging from high blood pressure to diabetes to meniscus tears to amputations. We help each of them work on their health and fitness regardless of their health conditions or overall physical condition.


Our client base consists of strength athletes, marathon runners, and other individuals. We help them improve performance directly, such as improving run time or weight lifted, while also developing performance indirectly, by working on weak points and inefficacies.

What is your approach?

We are pro choice. We value cooperation, not intimidation. We are supportive but straightforward. We offer words of encouragement and always try to keep things professional and friendly.

At the same time, there will be things you don’t understand and times where you will be non-compliant. It’s always your choice to follow or not follow our advice, but we will stress to the importance of sticking to the plan in order to reach your goals. At times, this straightforward approach can make us seem brash to some people.

While we are always sensitive to the needs of the client, if you are offended easily, do not like change, cannot take direction, and/or are prone to emotional reactions, we may not be the trainers for you.

Who should use an online trainer?
The online training environment is best for people who are willing to take responsibility for completing the training on their own, who want the convenience of working out where they want and when they want, and who want to save money, yet, want the help of a trainer.
To help you reach your goals, we provide:
  • A custom training program*
  • Personalized workout calendar
  • Video instructions
  • Progress tracking and reports
  • Form review via video submission*
  • Daily, weekly, and monthly feedback* and we adjust the program over time
  • and more…


There are certain situations where online training may not be ideal for trainees. If you’re unsure if this is a good fit for you, contact us by using the contact form or the email addresses at the bottom of the page.
*Some services only available with specific plans. Please review the service pages for details about each program.
What sets TM apart?

I have been in the industry for 20+ years. I have a tone of personal and professional experience, I know how to apply. I have a military background as well as certifications in areas such as online personal training, run coaching, strength and conditioning, fitness nutrition, sports nutrition, exercise science, information systems, and business.

I am not one of those budget personal coaches and that is why my prices are as such. While some competitors charge less than $100 per month, you are paying for partially or fully automated training and nutrition programs, which is not personal training. No part of our process is automated. I personally handle every step of the process.

An online personal trainer and online nutrition coach can provide you all of the services a face-to-face professional would. We pride ourselves on making the training environment interactive, easy to use, simple to follow, and full of all the information you need to be successful. Whether you are located in the USA, Canada, India, Australia, the United Kingdom or another country, online personal training and online nutrition coaching can help you reach your goals.

Beyond a high quality of service on par with anything you’ll receive in face-to-face training, the biggest benefits of our online personal training and nutrition coaching are convenience and savings. The cost for online services are significantly lower than those for face-to-face services, and you can complete the process from anywhere you want—at the gym, at home, at your office, or on the road!

It’s true that we don’t have the face-to-face time with you, but the message system of our app allows you to send us questions 24-7. It is also true that we are not there to show you exercise form—but we have a video attached to every exercise in the app, allowing you to know exactly what you need to do, plus you send form videos for us to review. There are many other benefits of our online training, nutrition coaching, and the app we use, and this creates a dynamic that ensures your success as long as you put in the work.

How do payments and refunds work?

Payments—payments are submitted via PayPal. Payments for all services are recurring until canceled. You can cancel at any time via your PayPal account. Once you do, no further charges will occur but you will have access through the end of the current payment cycle.

Refunds—we do not accomodate refunds. We utilize a use it or lose it approach. This method controls our costs and motivates you to do the work.

I have a disability, or injury, can TM still assist?
It depends on the severity of the issue. In extreme circumstances, you will need clearance from a doctor. Many clients have outstanding health conditions, ranging from high blood pressure to diabetes to meniscus tears to amputations. We help each of them work on their health and fitness regardless of their health conditions or overall physical condition.
Contact us to discuss your particular issue by using the contact form or the email addresses below.


Don’t Wait Any Longer. Start Your Journey Today!